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Eco Friendly, Handmade and Organic Items of India

Fees & Payment Policy: Online Marketplace Natural & Handicraft Items India

Fees & Payment Policy

Listing your product on Getkraft is totally free. Sellers will only be charged if their item is sold and we assure timely payments.
This Fees & Payments Policy explains your fees, bills, and taxes and how to pay them. This policy is a part of our Terms & Privacy Policy.
By opening a Getkraft shop, you’re agreeing to this policy and our Terms of Use.

  1. Types of Fees
  2. Fee Avoidance
  3. Taxes

1. Types of Fees

Sellers may be required to pay the following types of fees:

Transaction Fees
When you make a sale through, you will be charged a transaction fee of 15% of the purchase price (item price plus shipping price). The listing price is required to include the applicable taxes.

Advertising and Promotional Fees
Getkraft offers three services to help you advertise your listings and promote your shop: Promoted Listings, Google Shopping ads, and Targeted Offers. If you use Promoted Listings, Google Shopping ads, or Targeted Offers, you will be charged separate advertising fees and/or promotional fees. Advertising and promotional fees vary by opportunity and will be clearly outlined before you commit to purchasing an ad or sending a Targeted Offer.

Shipping Fees
Getkraft offers sellers based in the Notheast India region to use our shipping services to fulfill their orders. The shipping cost will depend on the shipping carrier, and the origin, destination, weight, and dimensions of the package. If the seller opts for our shipping services then their items must be stored in our warehouse from where it will be dispatched to the customer.

Goods and Services Tax on Seller Fees
Getkraft will be required to apply GST on all seller fees charged each month.

2. Fee Avoidance

Any action by a seller to avoid paying a fee is considered fee avoidance and is strictly prohibited by Getkraft. This includes, for example, encouraging buyers to purchase an item in your Getkraft’s shop through another venue. A transaction initiated on Getkraft may not be completed off of Getkraft. The price stated in each listing description must be an accurate representation of the sale. Sellers may not charge excessive shipping fees. Sellers may not alter the item's price after a sale for the purpose of avoiding Getkraft’s transaction fees, misrepresent the item’s location, or use another user's account without permission.

3. Taxes

You are responsible for collecting and paying any taxes associated with using and making sales through Getkraft’s services. You need to include all applicable taxes in your listing prices.